
Monday, July 15, 2013

Cluttered Studio Cluttered Mind

A lot has been going on in my life...
I have taken a course on "Making Art That Sells"(click here for more info)
working on a couple of book projects,
creating art for galleries, 
finishing up the school year and all the lesson plans that go with it,
teaching a summer art camp...
AND... helping my daughter plan her wedding,
AND...building a new art studio. (photos coming soon)

That means that my studio was just work, dump, work, grab, work, jump, work, work...
but no cleaning.  A few of my projects have finished, and I am starting a few more.

My solution:

Guess what!
 It worked.

Here is a before shot

This is the nice cluttered spot.  The rest of the studio was really quite embarrassing.

My paint table after cleaning. SO nice! Makes me feel like I can think.

See the top of the shelf under the bulletin board. There was so much was really daunting.
All sorted and put away in the correct spot.

My drawing table is clean, all the supplies nicely tucked in their boxes.
A feeling of contentment is stealing over me. Smile...sighhhhh.

And look! Yes! even the computer area is clean with no papers.
What do you say are all the papers from?...sketches and  photos I take, printed out to used as reference material. Sometimes a manuscript or two..if I am working on a book, and if it is during school...lesson plans run amuck everywhere.

So now....the studio is de-cluttered and so is my thinking.  Well, actually I took a few days off from creating and that can refresh the mind also.  Ready to start back again tomorrow.

So maybe your feeling a bit over run like I was...take a moment and breathe, make a plan, rest, then get back to it.  

Happy creating!

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